Friday, January 2, 2009

Yay My Day Off

I got my replacement Social Security card today. We tried to go to Comcast to get our digital converter for the bedroom (otherwise we get only channels 2-30). The line was out the door, so that's gonna wait till next Friday as soon as they open.

The Trader Joe's parking lot was a clusterfuck as always. They had this new fondue we're gonna try. I wish a Trader Joes would open downtown. I don't think they'd put the Kiva out of business. I can't imagine their clientele sidling over to Trader Joes. And I hate driving over to Oakway Center.

M picked up this crockpot we've been eyeballing for a year at True Value. It has three different inserts so you can make different size meals. We already have a crockpot, but it's too big. Now we have options. AND it was $20 off. How cool is that?

I got my xmas present from my brother, Jeff:

He also sent me the following CDs: 3Oh!3, GnR--Chinese Democracy, and two Martina Topley-Bird albums. Katie, you'll be getting a copy of the 3Oh!3 the next time I see you.

As soon as the garlic in the oven finishes roasting, I'll prepare the baked brie. Yum! Hopefully I will see the Blazers beat the Hornets tonight. Not sure if Roy will be playing.